Our organization wants to empower its members and the public to learn more about the Adirondacks by providing resources for learning about native plants along with experiencing the beauty of gardens in our area and beyond.
Farmers depend upon pesticides to protect their crops, but the potent chemicals they use can also impact humans. Farmers are not the only people who use these pesticides, as most of them are found in the average gardening shed. has published a guide on these pesticides outlining the different types and how to protect yourself from their negative effects.
Historical Gardens
The Garden History and Design Committee educates our membership and the public in historical and contemporary landscape and garden design and contributes to the Garden Club of America's Collection at the Archives of American Gardens at the Smithsonian Institution under the required guidelines provided by GCA.
The five gardens within the Adirondack region that have been documented at the Smithsonian Institution are below, please click on the links to go to the Smithsonian's page and photos:
▼ Historical gardens
Flat Rock Camp, Willsboro, New York
King's Garden "Le Jardin du Roi," Fort Ticonderoga, New York
Colonial Garden, Elizabethtown, New York
The Ruth and George Hart Garden, Lake Placid, New York
The Scragwood Garden, Willsboro, New York
Visiting Gardens
Taking tours of visiting gardens are a great way to get out and learn more about plants and nature. We’ve compiled a list of visiting gardens that are of particular interest and not too far for members to travel:
Kent Delord House Museum, Plattsburgh, NY
King's Garden at Fort Ticonderoga, Ticonderoga, NY
Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, VT
Shelburne Farms, Shelburne, VT
New York Botanical Gardens, Bronx, NY
Wave Hill, New York, NY
Botanical Garden, Montreal, CA
Frank Cabot’s Garden, Cold Spring, NY
Franck Cabot’s Garden Les Quatre Vent located near La Malbale in the Charleboix region of Quebec (tours for this garden are booked a year in advance)
Yaddo Gardens, Saratoga Springs, NY
Cornell Gardens, Ithaca, NY
Hollister House Garden, Washington, CT
North Hill Gardens, Readsboro, VT
Greenwood Gardens, Short Hills, NJ
Garden Conservancy 'Open Days' - Tours of America's best private gardens
In the Adirondack region, we are blessed with generous natural resources and incredible hiking trails. In the Eastern Region of the Adirondack Park, Champlain Area Trails (CATS), focuses on the biological richness of this area, and is creating the trails to get people outside and exploring the natural landscape.
The Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening by J. I. Rodale
Wyman’s Gardening Encyclopedia
The Well Tended Perennial Garden by Tracy DiSabato-Aust
Pruning Made Easy by Lewis Hill
Reader’s Digest Illustrated Guide to Gardening
American Botanical Paintings: Native Plants of the Adirondacks by Bonnie Driggers
Whiteface Mountain, Lake Placid, NY